In order to strengthen the process of handling Investor Grievances, NSE vide its circular dated June 03, 2022 bearing download reference Number NSE/ISC/52517 has advised Trading Members to enhance Investor education through various modes. Accordingly, the list of Investor Awareness link of various regulators is as mentioned below:
Prudent Corporate Advisory Services Ltd.(PCAS): Member of NSE & BSE – SEBI Registration No as stock broker: INZ000293634. Member ID : - NSE : 90209, BSE : 6733, CDSL – IN-DP- 477-2020 (DP ID: 12090600), Research Analyst - INH000018115, CIN - L91120GJ2003PLC042458.
Registered Address: Prudent House, Panjrapole Cross Road, Nr. Polytechnic, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad - 380015, Gujarat, India.
For any complaints pertaining to securities / broking please write a mail to [email protected]
Please ensure you carefully read the Risk Disclosure Document as prescribed by SEBI
Investor Alert:Company does not offer any scheme for any assured returns. In case, any such scheme offered by any of employee or other Authorized Person of the company, the same should not be accepted and no investment in such scheme to be made. In case of any such scheme offered by any person, kindly contact compliance team of the company on (+91) (79) 40209600. In case any investment made in such scheme, company will not be responsible for any claims or grievances for any loss on account of relying on the said scheme.
Advertisement Disclosure - Non-Broking Products/Services e.g. Mutual Fund, Mutual Fund-SIP, Research reports, Insurance, etc "These are not Exchange traded product and the Member is just acting as distributor and all disputes with respect to the distribution activity, would not have access to Exchange investor redressal forum or Arbitration mechanism.”